This article was submitted to Project: Bullyish.
Hi Lillee,
I would be glad to support your cause of raising self awareness for cyber bullying & cyberstalking.
I do recall an incident when I was “cyber stalked," and it was a “creepy” feeling. I would dare say equivalent as being in a horror movie. Fortunately for me, I had a good support system of friends and also knew that I have the power to “block and report” anyone that displays such outrageous behavior that is against community guidelines. There are also amazing sites like stop that I find extremely helpful in how to deal with these situations. I am presently trying to be involved with I also love how courageous you are as well as sharing your story and being an incredible role model to everyone in all work you do.
Your friend,
Joycie N
Written by:
Joycie N
USA, Guest Writer
Project: Bullyish Community is an area for people to share their stories about online bullying, and bullying in an effort to advocate, and educate. We are not affiliated with our community writers. We do not collect money, nor donations. The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials are for general informational purposes only. Information on this website may not constitute the most up-to-date information, legal, or other information. Lillee Jean Beauty Inc.'s privacy policy can be found here: This website does not constitute as mental, nor physical health information, content, or material.