LILLEE JEAN has filed additional police reports against the "Lillee Jean Clone Cult", that has stalking her family since she was 15 1/2. Allegations include death threats, sending items through the mail, doxxing, and aggravated harassment.

Lillee Jean, actress and filmmaker, also, the founder of Bullyish, has filed several reports with the police in her native New York, against the "Lillee Jean Clone Cult", that has stalking her family since she was 15 1/2.
Well documented in her award-winning movie "Project: Bullyish", the star in a statement said,
"One day these people came into my life and never left. My film Project Bullyish is important because it documents the delusional obsession someone has had with me since I was a teenager. It’s left me constantly looking over my shoulder, and in fear for my life from the hostile environment this person has created with her lies, and torment. She has amassed a mound of people with hive-mind thinking, who have one goal: to hurt me.
In the last 5 months, the behavior has escalated significantly, and my private residence has been violated by someone on the property at least three different times, with odd packages, and placed bottles on my tires to “send a message”. This is a psycho delusional stalker, with delusional thoughts and feelings toward me and my family. The person has amassed her own cult, to “take me down”, while she hurts my family and I daily, with severely concerning threats.
The conduct has gotten worse toward me in the last ten weeks, specifically, with the most ominous message sent to me via email, wanting me to be “r**** and left for dead.” That was sent several times in detailed horrible ways just in the last 4 weeks. I am afraid that this email message shows that this person, intends to sexually assault me, and I have filed additional police reports with the NYPD. My whole family has received threats of murder, and horrible curses of cancer as well, from the stalker, and her group. It’s become so many, it’s overwhelming. The stalker has given me fake medical conditions, which is munchausen by proxy weirdness such as "Williams Symdrom", in which I do not have, and feel terribly bad for people who do. The main cult leader in Maine weaponizes illness, and gives me fake illnesses which as a result have led to FAKE wellness checks from the New York State. The tips include pills I don't take, wheelchairs I do not have, causing mass hysteria and wasting public funds. We have passed along the info to the Queens District attorney -- the agency that has been working with us on the original identity theft, and stalking case. My concern is things take time, and I am so scared.
This stalking on a deranged level, makes me feel terrified. It started when I was 15 1/2, on a Reddit where they said they wanted to r*** me. When my mom tried to defuse and defend me on the Reddit, since I was underaged, that became more of a story that she’s “batshit,” and they started further creating delusions. From that day on, things got insane, and scary. In 2019, I was 18 years old, when something called the “Lillee Jean Clone Cult” was created to “take me down”. They claimed I was fake, a fraud and deserved it. They put people in my path as “friends” to get confessions, and even had Discord servers on me to plot and plan seeing me bleed, and my family die. Even recently, someone was put in my path by this woman, who came onto me in a very sexually motivated scary way, and I felt trapped. From all the hate that I’ve been through I put up with the creepy messages of love being sent, and felt very isolated. The international person I filed a report on this week, for fear of them being motivated to follow through with their threats against me.
This has been terrifying. I lost everything I ever had built, from the lies spread. People from that “cult” have sent terrifying letters to my family daily, and despite working with the NYPD, the cult has gained traction with new members “to take me down”. They convinced each-other the police wouldn’t do anything, and even tagged the precinct on Twitter as far back as 2019. Each report I’ve filed has been particularly on men within the cult stalking me, to do the bidding of the woman that formed their group.
I was sent glitter bombs in the mail with my name as the “sender”, moaning Valentines Day cards in the mail, I was sent packages of hiking clothing, specific eyelashes I wear by physical mail…it is absolutely terrifying. I feel this is like a Charles Manson like cult, and it is freaking me out. It’s a group entirely of men, and children, with one woman at the helm calling her disciples “lord & saviors” and doing “God’s work”, and it’s just frightening how the delusions grow daily. The more she hurts me, and threatens me, the more she rewards these people publicly.
The stalker online keeps calling for me to be separated from my family, which is giving me fear of being kidnapped, on top of being r***ed. I’m a small woman, and it’s just terrifying that I can’t even go on a run alone, without this fear over my head now. The stalker has created mass-hysteria, and put me in a position where my life is being sucked dry.
The woman who runs the cult is actually a public figure, and identified herself in several tormenting emails to me through my website, social media, and even to my lawyer with her organizations name as the sender name. She told me that we were related “in some way”, when I asked her to stop stalking my family. The delusions she has even go as far as her trying to assimilate into being a “family member” who will heroically “save me”. The women online has tried giving me illnesses that do not exist, has tried calling as “Laura”, my mom, to obtain school records, and even recently has made appointments with local plastic surgeons to “fix my face”. This all increased starting in May, 2024.
The worst is the whole internet at the time thought it was funny, and it made it ten times worse. My pain, and what they did to me became their stories. She empowered them, and they became victims, or her “lord & saviors”, yet I am the one with the police reports, and my family being threatened horrifically on a daily basis. She coerced the cult members, which are mainly men, to start a new wave of “the takedown of Lillee Jean”, in April, 2024 with hundreds of videos, twitch streams, riddled with lies, and innuendos to harm my family. I felt so terrified in April, especially because it was my birthday month when the beginning of this massive plot to kill me and my family began.
My family has kept silent, and we do not know these people at all, and never intend to know these people. We have had no contact with any of these people. We’ve taken to public outcry for them to stop. There have been many incidents, messages on social media, letters, but most alarming for us is the in person encounters, which are startling. In the last few weeks it’s just increased to a stark level, where I don’t even feel safe where I am. I can’t even go to the supermarket without someone pointing me out, and heckling me. My whole family feels terrorized and have even looked for a new state to flee from the stalker since I know she has the inside of my house, and has posted it online. She even posted dental records on a black website a few months ago. All of this she obtained from trying to find personal family records… she even built out my family tree on with my great grandma’s records in her possession. This is a terrifying time in my life with a target put on my head, and my entire families lives are in danger. She portrays that she is a sympathetic “friend”, and catfish’s people into believing she isn’t as old as she is. She uses her degrees as credibility and weapons. This woman is a danger to me and my life.
I thought that telling my story through my documentary would be enough for people to see what has happened to me, but it clearly isn’t enough, and so it is time for my voice to be heard. It's very important for me to have a normal life, and be able to do what I love. Despite the stalker lying about me, even right now, concocting massive plans to kill me, and creating a hostile environment for my life, I must maintain a normalcy. If I allow her to stop me from doing what I love best, acting, now truly my life as been taken over by her. I refuse to allow that to happen, but I needed to let everyone know, the threats are increasing and the r*** threats are frightening. Please stand by me." - Lillee Jean
Allegations include death threats, sending items through the mail, doxxing, and aggravated harassment.
Cops have launched an investigation, according to Jean for the aggravated harassment, and doxxing occurring.
She also filed police reports across the pond, about this unbelievable mass hysteria the cult has created.
She shared with fans late Tuesday redacted reports.
Each of the people she filed on have coinciding public companies, and are profiting off a fake story of being "stalked" themselves, to make money off Jean's name, despite themselves doxxing, stalking, and harassing her family for years. Each report is with the FBI, or local UK police, along with a report with the NYPD for an investigation.

The reports above were served to each individual in a cease-and-desist matter via email. The reports Jean sent, and confidential emails, were plastered in videos on the web with a narrative that put "a target" on her head starting in May 2024.
It is in Jean's opinion that "it's up to the police now."
Even in July 2024, two websites by the cult were purchased and splashed with private records of her family which include social security numbers, bank account numbers, and private receipts of her mom's invoices to movie studios. This confidential information is being plastered across the web.