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Lillee Jean Makes Statement on Nonconsensual Deepfakes Created Of Her

Writer's picture: Lillee JeanLillee Jean
Actress LILLEE JEAN a month ago announced to fans, that she has filed additional police reports against the "Lillee Jean Clone Cult", which has been stalking her family since she was 15 1/2. Now, on August 23, 2024, more has come to light including the cult, creating nonconsensual lewd deepfakes of her body between YouTuber's Discord servers, and black websites.

Lillee Jean, an actress and filmmaker, and the founder of Bullyish, has filed multiple reports with the police in her native New York against the "Lillee Jean Clone Cult," which has been stalking her family since she was 15 1/2.

In the documentary, Project: Bullyish, which won two awards and screened abroad, it is carefully documented the harassment, and stalking Jean and her family have faced.

Recently, it has been revealed that the "Lillee Jean Clone Cult" has been spreading nonconsensual deepfake AI lewd images of Lillee Jean across the internet. These artificial intelligence-generated photos are fake and it is crucial to address this issue.

The people publishing these photos are the very men making dozens of videos on Lillee Jean.

In Discord servers, lewd images, and talks about private lewd channels on Lillee Jean are being passed around in the servers of "Primink", and more (see photos below of Kyle Keane LLC.'s Discord server, with children being mingled with people as old as 60, directing them on how to vandalize my IMDB, and hurt my family. They're in private chats with lewd photos of me passed around too).

Little Known About This Danger

Since March 2024, search results such as "Lillee Jean Kidnapping", and "Lillee Jean Nudes" have flooded Bing and Google On April 18, 2024, Lillee Jean's birthday. Identified blocked users such as Kyle Keane LLC, along with others belonging to the "Lillee Jean Clone Cult" have been underground harassing, violating, and threatening, Lillee Jean and her family for months and years on end. This is why a police investigation is being had, and Jean has remained silent. Below you will see said corporation for months trying to breach my website as he planned with the rest of the cult to hurt me. Since some threats are anonymous, it has been thought some are from him.

Hiding behind claims of "being doxxed" and "stalked" for views, these "creators", are the very people violating, hurting, and exploiting Lillee Jean. They're not creators, they're business owners, with public companies, that underground are doing dangerous schemes.

"Watch my documentary on the stalking, doxxing, and danger my family has endured for 8 years. See original screenshots from 2017 of the threats when I'm 15 years old. It was never about following, it's something more." - Lillee Jean

Denouncing the creation of these sexually explicit, A.I.-generated images of Lillee Jean is only the beginning. After serious threats following the April 2024 - August 2024 campaign run by the "Lillee Jean Clone Cult", deeply concerning threats were made toward the actress. The developments of fake images were sent to the detectives working on cases she has with the NYPD regarding stalking and aggravated harassment.

Allegations include death threats, sending items through the mail, doxxing, and aggravated harassment. 

According to Jean, the police have launched an investigation for aggravated harassment and doxxing. She also filed police reports about the mass hysteria the cult has created. She shared redacted reports with fans in late July.

The excessive YouTube videos, and, campaigns against Jean and her family by these "Lillee Jean Jean Clone Cult" members, have only gotten worse. They're deceiving viewers, who are mainly children. It is criminal, the AI deepfake sexual photos of Jean, and, the constant aggravated harassment against her. These people came into Jean's life when she was 15, and, never left. In her own words,

"They're not victims, they're criminals that I have been straight along filing police reports on, and updating the NYPD detectives working on the open case. I have a right to know my tormentors and seek action. It has been an awful time for my family and I. These people are always plotting, and trying to physically harm me - enough is enough. They shamlessly even call it "The Takedown of Lillee Jean", and publicly threaten to remove me so I am "no longer a threat". To who? I don't know these people! I have every right to defend myself while these venemous snakes try to lie and gain fame off my back. Time for them to be fully exposed to the world for the underground scheme that is going on between gambling, betting, and sex trade of AI photos of me! You don't have to look hard to see the trail they leave, nor the private Discord servers filled with lewd AI photos of me. The problem is people watching these videos and engaging in these servers are brainwashed, and not too bright. They don't investigate. The improperly call YouTube videos documentaries. The fact is, I am being daily ripped to shreads and have serious criminal, sexually motivated actions happening daily because of these very men, and the "Lillee Jean Clone Cult". They think videos will end my career, and it's the end of the world. No, the end of the world is the nonconsensual sexual deepfakes they're creating, the betting of if "I will pop or not", and the tons of r*pe threats. Real life problems. Not one of these men have had what I have gone through - they're liars, cheats, and dangerous beings fooling the world. They convince people I have no voice and my mom is writing for me. What planet is this? Planet stupid? Or just a great scheme to convince viewers of their lies, so they can ungeround make money off me, and get someone to kill me, or my family for more joy and fun. I have confidence in the NYPD to swiftly protect me. There is a crime going on before everyone's eyes. They need to wake up. My family is in danger." - Lillee Jean

Below, you will see Price, a member of the cult, that I have filed multiple reports on, including in Wales. He has been stalking and harassing me for 4 years now, though I suspect more. It now adds up, his videos with titles such as "The Secret Website", to the "Lillee Jean Clone Cult's" secret revenge AI P* servers on me (Kyle Keane LLC. Discord server chats discussing the AI nudes of me below). This is a bigger business then even I imagined that is coming with serious threats. These men are a danger to my family and I, and I am so concerned at the underbelly of what they're doing! Children are involved talking to them on these servers (shown above). They've convinced children they're being doxxed and victims of me, despite being public figures, with public companies that one day did dozens of videos on me. I now suspect it's in order to gain traction on their underground world of AI sex trade, gambling, and betting on me. I'm fearful for my life because of men like Price, and Keane. This is criminal!

Each of the people she filed on have coinciding public companies and are profiting off a fake story of being "stalked" themselves, to make money off Jean's name, despite themselves doxxing, stalking, and harassing her family for years.

These are the people who own sites such as projectfu . org, and lilleejeanisreallymean . com. Personal documents, records, and private information are housed on both websites.


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